Fair GO South Australia Inc. (FairGo SA) is a not for profit, non-government organisation which was established on the 7th of Sep 2020. We provide free and confidential counsel to South Australians from ethnic and/or minority backgrounds including information about democratic systems, equal rights and opportunities and personalised advice about how to access resources and help. We emphasis a bottom-up, rights-based approach to human rights development and maintenance. We aim to empower migrants from minority backgrounds to realise their potential for active participation in the equal rights development process, to know and claim their rights, and to more fully participate in and contribute to their local communities. Our goal is to contribute to the development of a safe and peaceful, multicultural Adelaide community that enables all community members to enjoy its beauty and prosperity.
FAIR GO South Australia and its committee members acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we stand, the Kaurna People of the Adelaide Plains and pay respect to their Elders past and present.
Account Name: Fair Go South Australia Inc.
BSB: 065-004
Account No: 1117-2481